"The Addams Family Theme" *




Oh good!!! You made it!!!

That means Studley decided
You deserved a TREAT
Instead of a TRICK!!!
It's a good thing you didn't
Scare him TOO much, or ...
Who knows WHERE
You could have ended up otherwise!!!


We hope you enjoyed our HALLOWEEN PAGES

And discovered lots of FUN here!!!


Well, are you ready to go to the next stop now???

Have fun ... but watch out
For ghosties and ghoulies!!!


BTW, we love to make new furiends!!!
So, if you haven't visited our site yet
And would like to meet us
Just click on the black kitty below!!!

Then just click on the image below,
And you'll be on your way!!!

NOTE: These links are no longer active!!

Or if you need to go back
To the BFCC, click here!!!


* NOTE from the Webmistress: Sorry, I just HAD to go there!!! I know it's corny, but the Addams Family is one of my all-time favorite shows!!! I couldn't resist!!! ~G~